Tutorial: How to earn with file uploads / filesharing
Do you like share your files ?
If it´s so, you can earn some money to share them on uploaded.to (OneClickHoster like Rapidshare). With the Adsponsor "Layer-Ads" it is now possible to put your own Layer on the Downloadpage. If somebody want to download your file he must before click your layer.
O.K let us begin:
- You need a PayPal account, if you don´t have one you can get it on PayPal.com
- Now you need a Layer-Ads.de account.
(Layer-Ads is a German ad-sponsor, if you don´t understand how to sign-up there look at the Pics or translate it with Google.) &
Open the Email you get from Layer-Ads.de , in this email they send you your la-ID and your password for the Layer-Ads.de Homepage.
- Ok if you have your Layer-ads ID, you can go to Uploaded.to to Upload your Files.
(Click the German flag at the top of the Uploaded.to page and you will get a option to put your Layer-Ads ID in.)
- if you have put your layer-ads ID in, you can now select a file you want and upload it.
( I think everybody know how to do that. If not here is a picture:)
- If your have upload your file you will get the link to download it and you are ready to earn some cash. All you have to do is spread your downloadlink (to your file), for each download that somebody do you get paid.
for 1000 downloads you get up to 5€uro = $6,75
(maybe you think now " wow, how to get 1000 downloads " , but it´s easier you think, read the tips at the end of this post.)
- to see how much you earned just login in your layer-ads.de account and click "statistiken". &
A few tips to spread/share your files well:
- upload files with small sizes, so more people will download it.
- spread / make it public in forums and other boards.
- if you have any holiday videos cut it with a any software(WindowsMovieMaker), in for example 15.00min pieces and make them on travel forums and guestbooks public.
- Create a html or a txt file with your download links in and spread them on P2P-networks like Emule or Torrent-networks like Bittorrent.
- use very interesting names for your files.
- i don´t know why but many people download (privat) files with names like "privat birthday party" or anything like that.
- never upload illegaly files or files you don´t have the permission to share it !!!
cool review...
I read the rest of your blog and really enjoyed it!
I have a site called fooWHO.com where you can showcase your blog and whatever else you might have. Right now, we're only approaching a few people to get the site started with quality content so we're approaching you personally because we believe both of us can benefit from posting on our website. You will get more exposure by having your work showcased.
To see what this is all about just go to foowho.com . It should be really easy to get started :)
If you have any questions, comments, suggestions don't hesitate to reply to this email address. Anything will be most appreciated!
Thank you very much,
fooWHO.com cofounder.
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